Sleepy Sun in Rainy Manchester (8/12/09)

There are no stars at the ATP festivals, just great bands and nice surprises, and Sleepy Sun are set to surprise quite a few people in December.

WotGodForGot Promotions

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 3rd Dec 2009

Latest signing to ATP Records is San Francisco band Sleepy Sun. A band that have been impressing audiences, promoters and record labels around the USA and are now set to make an impression in the UK with just a few dates followed by an appearance at '10 Years of ATP'.

Of course the ATP event is already a sell out, tickets having flown out the window many moons ago but fear not because one of the band's few appearance this time around includes a show for the wonderful Wotgodforgot at The Retro Bar, Sackville St, Manchester.

The band's new album 'Embrace' has not escaped the clutches of the UK music press with the NME, Mojo and Uncut speaking highly of the release as have website zines such as Pitchfork, MusicOmh, The Quitus, Under The Radar and many others.

If you like your music with acid rock, psychedelic, earth quaking riffage a la Comets on Fire, Crystal Antlers and even Black Sabbath then these tie dyed long haired San Franciscans are right up your street.

Retro Bar, Sackville Street, Manchester 8/12/09. 'Embrace' out now and available on CD, LP and downloads.