The end is near for the N7 Division: Semi-finals coming October 19th

This year kicked off witht he birth of the N7 league and as we head back to Kirkhill Hall this October, we’ll see the division’s penultimate match as the remaining challengers prepare for the final showdown!

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 23rd Sep 2013

With challengers lost due to injury and personal leave, only four men remain in the N7 league. With Damian O’Conor at the top of the board and three men tied second place, the decision has been made: Those three men will face off in triple threat action on October 19th with the winner challenging O’Conor for the N7 Championship in November!

Embracing his sadistic brawler within, Alex Cavaagh is one of the toughest men in the N7 league who has shown incredible brutality to get his first singles title win. Lewis Girvan has shown the same determination, fighting with energy and passion and little regard for his opponents as he does whatever it takes to get that final victory and Robbie Solar is one of the most energetic and innovative high flyers we’ve seen break through from the SOurce Wrestling School who’s had an incredible amount of success in his first year in the ring.

All three men have their eyes fixed on the prize and are determined to make it out of the N7 League as the first man to hold the title above their heads and declare themselves champion. But which one will have the chance to take on O’Conor on November 23rd?

The N7 Triple Threat takes place on October 19th as Pride Wrestling returns to Kirkhill Church Hall (Cambuslang Parish Church), Cairns Rad, Cambuslang. Doors open at 5:30pm with the show scheduled to begin at 6pm. Tickets are now on sale priced £10 Adult, £8 Concession and £25 for a family of four – buy in advance from for an exclusive discount price!

Our events are suitable for a family audience. Line up information will be available in the coming weeks leading up to the event.

Tickets are no longer available for this event