Korova Liverpool

#446 of 564 music venues in Liverpool

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Reviews of Korova in Liverpool

Venue contact details and info

Name: Korova

Phone: 0151 709 7097

Capacity: 450

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: No tracksuits, smart trainers ok

Opening hours: Mon-Sat : 11am - late Sun : 11am - 12.30am

Food served: Selection of sandwiches and snacks

Nearest Bus Stop: There are a large number of routes which run into Queen Square Bus Station, which is a 5 minute walk from the premises.

Address: 32 Hope Street, Liverpool, L1 9BX

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/2640/

Music Policy: Indie electro,

Ambiance: Trendy, laid back atmosphere

Clientele: Students and young professionals

Drinks served: Selection of lagers, wines, spirits and cocktails

Disabled facilities: Disabled access available upstairs, although downstairs may not be possible

Nearest Train Station: Liverpool Lime St.

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