Sanctury Live Basingstoke

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Reviews of Sanctury Live Basingstoke in Basingstoke

Sanctury Live Basingstoke venue information

The Sanctuary Live is an exciting New Live music venue and Bar to hit the Basingstoke Town Centre, Continuing on from the Success over the last two years of its Late night Alternative Club Nights at weekends the Sanctuary is Now a Dedicated Music Venue with a New Cool Relaxing Stylish Upstairs Lounge Bar, and Amazing Music Venue and Club Down Stairs. The Theme of the Bar is Stylish French Art Nouveau. Enjoy its glittering crystal chandeliers, Luxurious French mirrors and cozy dark blue décor and velvet curtains.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Sanctury Live Basingstoke

Phone: 01256 352622

Capacity: 125

Ambiance: French style / Arty

Opening hours: 8.00pm

Food served: yes

Nearest Train Station: Basingstoke Train station - 10 min walk

Address: 18 London Street, Basingstoke, RG21 7NT

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: Cassual

Drinks served: Alcoholic / Soft Drinks

Parking: Paid Parking to the rear, Public carp pake £1.00 all evening after 6pm