Union Hall Birmingham, B4 7ES

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Reviews of Union Hall in Birmingham, B4 7ES

Union Hall venue information

Yes, B4 BAR is great and we put on amazing events, but there's much more to the Union than just drinking and nightlife;

On the Ground Floor the Union Shop has all your day-to-day snack/stationery/news essentials, plus there's a Subway if you're feeling hungry.

Take a trip to the 1st Floor and you'll find a plethora of useful services including The Strand Hair Salon, the John SmithBook Shop, the Students' CopyShop, the Students' JobShop, The ARC (Advice & Representation Centre), and Student Activities.

The 2nd Floor is home to The Loft, which is a Social Study Space ideal for group work or just relaxing with friends. It has an IT Suite with PCs at the back as well as a Presentation Suite for you to practice those all important presentations. To book the Presentation Suite or any other bookable spaces please email union.reception@aston.ac.uk

In addition to all this, we regularly have graduate recruiters setting up stalls in the Union Foyer, as well as traders selling jewellery, cakes, clothes, posters and loads of other stuff.

There really is always something going on at the Union, so pop in anytime. If you've got any ideas for new services we could provide we'd love to hear them. Please email suggestions to union.vpfme@aston.ac.uk

Venue contact details and info

Name: Union Hall

Address: Aston Students’ Union Aston Triangle, , Birmingham, B4 7ES, B4 7ES

Phone: 0121 204 4855

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/57079/

Type of venue: Live

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