Moda Warehouse Lincoln

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Reviews of Moda Warehouse in Lincoln

Moda Warehouse venue information

As the brainchild of Jaymo & Andy George, Tom Staar and Toy Tigers; Moda started life as a gathering of likeminded friends in an intimate loft space. But the parties got crazy and the crowds got crazier. The rest, as they say, is history…

Having quickly outgrown its birthplace, Moda rapidly expanded from 200 to 2000 people, packing-out warehouses, theatres, boats and basements all over Europe, fusing the words biggest DJs with the freshest underground names. But Moda isn't just a clubnight...

By day they make, sign and release records by super hot producers and bands on the Moda Music record label. By night they write and publish articles about new music on the Moda blog. And at the weekend they DJ all over the world. Sleep is not a priority for these guys.

With 2011 marking the start of Moda's residency at Fabric London and We Love Space in Ibiza, and 2012 promising some of their most insane and unusual parties they have ever put together - it's safe to say Moda is as unstoppable as ever.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Moda Warehouse

Address: Grange-De-Lings, Lincoln, LN2 2NA

Phone: N/A

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub