Burnham Royal British Legion

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Burnham Royal British Legion venue information

Function room of the Royal British Legion Club - dedicated to the music on jazz nights.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Burnham Royal British Legion

Phone: 07788 6666 08

Capacity: 80

Type of venue: Live

Dress code: Casual

Opening hours: 19:00 - 11:00

Food served: Snacks

Parking: Plenty on-site and in adjoining streets

Nearest Train Station: Burnham

Address: 9 Gore Rd , Burnham, SL1 8AA

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/54092/

Music Policy: Live jazz - different artists each month

Ambiance: Intimate, low lights, attentive to the music

Clientele: Jazz lovers

Drinks served: Full bar, subsidised prices

Disabled facilities: Level entry

Nearest Bus Stop: Gore road, route 53