Woodhill School Southampton

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Woodhill School venue information

Old style music festival with a hippy vibe. Woodhill Woodstock with huge range of bands on three stages including Dave Barret, Trevor John Band, Reactor 1, Eyes to the Skies, Hitched, Planet 80, Davey Jones Locker and lots lots more. Supervised childrens area, Healing area, Poets corner, food, real ale and spirits bar. Too much more to mention. Camping available 11am until 10.30pm with camping on Saturday night. Tickets available from the school office or online at http://www.wegottickets.com/f/11089.
Entry only £10 or £20 including camping on Saturday night. Accompanied chilren under 12 free

Venue contact details and info

Name: Woodhill School

Phone: 07854211492

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/86597/

Type of venue: Nightclub

Dress code: Anything goes.

Opening hours: 10.30am - 22.30pm. Music starts at 12

Food served: Pizza, hog roast, Thai, Burgers, Crepes and much much more

Nearest Train Station: Botlet train station 10 minutes walk

Address: Brook Lane, Botley, Southampton, SO30 2ER

Website: http://www.wegottickets.com/f/11089

Music Policy: varied. Anything goes from rock to classics and alternative

Ambiance: Friendly, happy and hippy

Clientele: any age is welcome but must be fun friendly people

Drinks served: Beers, Ciders, wine and spirits

Parking: Parking £5 all day or park locally