Burger Sunderland

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Burger Sunderland venue information

BURGeR makes banging burgers every Friday Saturday & Sunday!
BURGeR is a very intimate venue paired with neon decor and welcoming safe space for punters and artists.
There’s something for everyone wether you’re there for food, drinks, music, darts, a game of pool or all of the above!
Ambar Dhesi has been hosting some fantastic open mic nights at this venue and wanted to give artists the opportunity to get the recognition and platform they deserve and this is what ‘A night with Ambar Dhesi…’ monthly will bring to you!!
At a chill time of 7.30pm you can come along and have a dance, have a burger, have a beer, chill. Then go home or head out into town and make a night of it!
These events are family friendly and an all rounder.
Grab your tickets as this is truly not one to miss!! £5. That’s a steal.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Burger Sunderland

Address: 24 Frederick Street, Sunderland, SR1 1LT


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/117515/

Type of venue: Live

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